Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) has submitted to the Secretary of State proposals to enable dual runway operations at Gatwick Airport. They propose to alter the existing northern runway, lift restrictions on the use of the northern runway and deliver the upgrades or additional facilities and infrastructure required to increase the passenger throughput capacity of the airport. This includes upgrade works to surface access routes which lead to the airport.
For full details of the proposals, please visit the National Infrastructure Planning project website.
Planning Inspectorate’s examination timetable
The Planning Inspectorate has published details of the people who have been appointed to conduct the examination of the Gatwick DCO application. They are known as the Examining Authority (ExA).
The Examination opened on 27 February 2024 and will conclude on 27 August 2024. The ExA will then report to the Secretary of State, who will issue a decision to either grant consent with conditions or to refuse consent. You can view the Examination timetable for Gatwick Airport Northern Runway DCO.
You can also find out through the project web pages how to take part and sign up to receive e-mail updates.
Background context
Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) is seeking to bring its northern ‘standby’ runway, which is currently only used for emergency purposes or where the main runway is closed for maintenance, into routine operational use. This is referred to by the airport operator as the Gatwick Airport Northern Runway Project. Given the significant scale of the Northern Runway Project, it is defined as a Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project (NSIP) to be determined by the Secretary of State through a process known as a Development Consent Order (DCO). The Council is not the decision making authority and is a formal consultee in the process.
The Council has made initial representations, with the impacts on air quality, noise and traffic being the key concerns raised. The Council is also seeking to work with Gatwick Airport Limited (GAL) to ensure if permission is granted then any significant adverse impacts that cannot be avoided are mitigated or compensated for through a work programme and community projects funded by GAL.
The Council is working jointly with other Councils whose areas either directly host development and /or are affected by the impacts of the development.
The examination has reached an advanced stage with initial hearings having explored key issues. The Examination Authority has posed a series of questions to GAL and continues to invite comment from Councils and other interested parties. You can see the Formal representations which have been made.
Next steps
The Examination is being run to a strict timetable, ending on 27 August 2024.
Key deadlines for the submission to the ExA of representations on specific matters are set as Thursday 6 June, Wednesday 26 June, Monday 15 July, Wednesday 7 August, Wednesday 21 August and Tuesday 27 August (when the examination will close). The ExA has reserved dates in the week commencing Monday 17 June for further in person / online formal Hearings.
Further information